Reflections on “Love in Procedure”: A Journey into Alternative Perspectives

On the 14th of February we held a Refugee Academy event centred on the screening of “Love in Precedure”, a documentary film created by. “Love in Procedure” was an insightful exploration of the complexities of the asylum process from different perspectives.

After screening the film we had a panel discussion, including Betty de Hart, Catarina Sales Oliveira, Moos Pozzo, Laura Huygen, and Sajad Salmanpour. Together, they addressed the multifaceted aspects of asylum acceptance, challenging conventional views and advocating for empathy and understanding.

In addition, participants had the opportunity to experience a screening of the film “Love in Procedure”, a powerful film that sheds light on the asylum process in the Netherlands. The film sparked important conversations and offered new insights into the lived experiences of refugees.

During the break, participants were treated to an art exhibition by Kelly Palmen. Art pieces and illustrations from her experiences and challenges from working in refugee camps, society, and her love, as we saw in the film.

Another highlight of the event was a spoken word performance by Atta de Tolk, whose artistic expression provided a unique lens to explore themes of love, resilience, and the refugee experience. You can see the recording of Atta’s spoken word here.

At the end of the meeting, Halleh Ghorashi shared her end-reflections on the layered perspectives that emerged during the event, seeking pathways for hope and action in the paradoxes of a system which seems to leave no space for love. Her reflection can be seen here