Academic workshop – Engaged Scholarship: why and how?

More and more, the societal implications of scientific research and the associated responsibility of the researcher is being stressed and rethought. Engaged scholarship is one way in which scholars approach doing research and position their work within society. Yet, what does being an engaged scholar mean exactly? How is engaged scholarship approached from various disciplines and methodological traditions, and to what extent do these differ? What are the implications of the various shapes and forms in which engaged scholarship can be approached?

Join us this afternoon to witness how three engaged scholars shape and view their research according to various forms of engaged scholarship and discuss various questions and responsibilities related to engaged scholarship. After three scholars have presented their passionate speech on their engaged scholarship viewpoints and experiences, discussants will share their thoughts in conversation with the speakers. Next, there will be a Q&A session with the audience after which professor Halleh Ghorashi will provide closing remarks. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to discuss insights over drinks.

Registration deadline

Deadline for registration is Thursday 24 March 2022. Please, register via the registration form:


15:00 – Opening by Nella Geurts (Radboud University)

15:05 – Passionate speeches on “Views on and experiences with engaged scholarship” by Niels Spierings (Radboud University), Valentina Mazzucato (Maastricht University), and Elena Ponzoni (VU Amsterdam)

Questions that will be addressed during the panel include:

  • How do you (and/or your organisation) define and practice engaged scholarship?
  • What are challenges you face in your practice of engaged scholarship?
  • What are opportunities that engaged scholarship offers for academia and society?

15:45 – Reflections based on research on engaged scholarship in the Dutch context by Maria Rast (VU Amsterdam)

15:55 – Aftertalk with discussants Nella Geurts (Radboud University) and Tara Fiorito (VU Amsterdam)

16:15 – Q&A with participants

16:35 – Final reflections by Halleh Ghorashi (VU Amsterdam)

17:00 – Drinks .

The workshop will be moderated by Kay Mars (VU Amsterdam).